Hurricane Metal Roofs – 10 Problems associate with Aluminum Roofing

Hurricane Metal Roofs – 10 Problems associate with Aluminum Roofing

Aluminum roofs that are used to cover homes during a hurricane can be a problem. One or more of the following problems are likely to be involved when returning after a storm:

  1. Wind driven rain now is the norm. If a home is without a roof and the sheltered part of the house is evacuated during a hurricane, the winds are going to wreck havoc on the house. It is going to blow off the roof and rain will build up in the interior of the home with enough force to induce a mold problem inside the house as well as damage the interior framing and roof coverings to a great degree.
  2. If a roof slab is removed during a hurricane, the pressure from the building equipment going to the top of the roof during delivery to the home will likely cause the roof to be blown off the frame and begin to weaken from the interior pressure.
  3. A fire will destroy an entire house, especially if the fire is kept in check. Fire is a chemical process that works on a chemical basis to destroy the organic material like wood or paper that is used in a building structure. If there is great pressure from the wind a fire is going to continue to go through the structure until the roof of the house is burned, then the fire will be able to destroy the plywood its self. If the wood in the home is being burned it will likely be damaged by the fire yet not be burned effectively, which over time would allow that wooden frame to be reduced in quality and possibly fail.
  4. Water penetration can also cause tremendous damage due to the exposure to water and humidity. The water unprotected ceramic or metal roof will be used by the fact that the water will not be able to penetrate to the base tray where the waterproofing is found in the roof deck honeycom otherwise the water would just sit there.
  5. If there are asphalt shingles on the roof that get damaged, then the water damage is going to continue to age the shingles. It is not about the amount of damage that is done but if duration of the damage is not replaced then there is going to be large damage done to the roof. The asphalt shingles are going to lose there original quality and shape.
  6. If the roof is made from wood, then the damage is going to be evident from both outside and inside. Wood is a porous material. That means that it is going to soak up water. Shingles will become loose and soak up the water unless it is properly treated.
  7. The twenty year old asphalt shingles that have just been put to use is a liability on the homeowner since it can blow off or break during bad weather. It is going to slip off into the gutters or just fall into the ground or attic.
  8. If the house is sided with aluminum siding, it is not going to handle the exposure from high winds. Problems with siding can be caused by just normal wear and tear or it can be because it has been damaged.
  9. Check roof slope, because if the roof slope is not correct it will put undue pressure on the side of the house that is more vulnerable to high winds.
  10. The last problem with a properly installed iron roof is the fact that is needs to have gutters added to be able to effectively catch off water from the roof and the gutter system covered with gravel.

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